Clinical Application of “Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy” for Psychosis and Cluster A
A growing body of research has suggested that many diagnosed with psychosis experience deficits in metacognitive or the ability to form integrated ideas about themselves and others.
As a result, they may struggle to form evolving and nuanced ideas about the challenges they face and how they might best effectively manage them and move towards recovery.
Spurred on by this research an integrative psychotherapy framework has been developed to help promote metacognitive capacity for adults with psychosis .
Referred to as Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy or MERIT, this integrative approach is intended to provide clinicians with the skills to implement and evaluate their intervention.
It’s ultimate goal is to assist patients to make personally meaningful sense of the challenges they face and decide how to actively manage those, ultimately enabling self-directive recovery.
This workshop will present the key elements and research supporting MERIT and provide illustrations for treatment as well as methods for assessment.
- The Concept of Metacognition: Definitions, Core Assumptions and Application to Schizophrenia
- Measuring Metacognition with the Metacognition Assessment Scale Abbreviated (MAS-A): Methods and Findings
- The Eight Core Elements of MERIT
- Evidence supporting the use of MERIT
- Participants will be able to explain three ways that metacognitive deficits are barrier to recovery from psychosis;
- Participants will be able to describe one system for measuring metacognition within routine clinical contacts;
- Participants will be able to list eight core processes which can promote metacognitive capacity within psychotherapy sessions.
Paul H. Lysaker is a clinical psychologist at the Roudebush VA Medical Center and Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine (US).
He has published over 450 peer-reviewed journal articles, dozens of book chapters, several books, and is an active scientist internationally in the area of clinical psychopathology.
The Manual has been published by Routledge (Lysaker & Klion, Recovery, meaning-making, and severe mental illness”)
The fee for the workshop is euro 110 (VAT included). To register to the event:
- Fulfill the registration form at this link
- Follow the instructions for the bank transfer
- Sent the receipt of the payment at
Registration will be open until July 9th 2020.
The course will take place on Zoom (live); the participants will receive the instruction via email.
The course will be held on July 11th 2020, from 3pm to 7.30pm (GMT+2, Rome time).
A certificate of participation will be released to the participants at the end of the course.
The language of the course will be English.
A simultaneous translation will be available from English to Spanish and from English to Italian (different channels on Zoom).
The event is organized by Tages Onlus, Tages Recovery and APC/SPC, in collaboration with ASEPCO, MÁSTER EN TERAPIA COGNITIVO SOCIAL of the University of Barcelona and ITA.